About Breanna Woods dietitian biography

I write engaging content that provides readers with clear, up-to-date information about all things nutrition and health.

portrait of breanna woods registered dietitian freelance writer

Breanna Woods, MS RD


Hi, I’m Breanna! I’m a registered dietitian and freelance writer. 

After working for 5 years as a clinical dietitian with hospital, outpatient, and long term care patients, I decided it was time for a change. I wanted to use my knowledge about nutrition in a different way. I wanted to focus on prevention, instead of pushing for diet change after someone’s health is already declining.
I’ve always loved writing, so I decided to offer my skill as a nutrition expert where people flock for (often misleading or incorrect) information about health and nutrition: The Internet.  

And so my career as a freelance writer was born. I love finding the most current research and creating content that is easy to understand and free of misleading, spammy claims. I am passionate about creating a direct path between education and CHANGE, so people can easily choose a path for better health. 

I write content that not only educates, but also inspires the reader to take action. If you want this for your readers too, let’s chat.